Are you an early riser and need to fill some time while waiting for the buses to head out for the days activities promptly at 9am? Or would you like a little stroll before or after dinner in downtown Asheville? The White Gate Inn is a short two blocks from the Sheraton hotel on the corner of Chestnut and Central Ave. Map is here. In the true spirit of gardener's willingness to share, the owners of the Inn will have the garden open to flingers from Thursday, May 17th to Monday, May 21st with the more formal visit time set to see the garden on the stroll to the continental breakfast Monday morning at Nan Chase's garden one more block away in this historic Asheville neighborhood.

Ralph and Frank the proprietors of the Inn have created an award winning garden that will bring out the plant geek in all of you. This is a collector's garden of unique specimen trees, shrubs and conifers displayed with an artists eye. Your plant ID skills will be tested.

There is a green house filled with orchids, one of Ralph's other passions.

If your stay in Asheville for the Fling 2012 does not include Monday, May 21st be sure to set aside a little time to see the gardens at the White Gate Inn and Cottage.

Trust me. This is not something you want to miss.
If you want to see more pictures of the garden in early spring and don't think it will spoil your surprise, another post on the gardens of The White Gate Inn is at my blog.