Fling Roundups

Thursday, January 31, 2019

See who is registered for Denver Fling so far!

We'll be visiting this beauty on our Boulder day. The landscape design won a Silver Award in the 2016 International Landscape Design Awards from the Association for Professional Landscape Designers in the category, “Residential Projects under $25,000”. The project’s focus was to create a sense of arrival at the front entry, maintain open views and create a design that would provide shelter and food to migrating and local birds.

The property itself rests on the edge of dedicated open space with a clear view of the mountains from inside of the home. “Open space” is a term I had not heard of before moving to Colorado. In Colorado, open space is commonly defined as: Publicly-owned land that is preserved from urbanization (paving or building). There is, thankfully, a lot of that in this area. Colorado open space is usually accessible to the public, but may also be leased for agriculture. 

A custom water feature was designed to serve as a focal point from inside the home and to upscale the entrance. The stone for the water feature was hand selected and precision cut at a stone mill, preassembled to check for fit then transported and built on site.

It snows year-round in Colorado (just kidding!). You do see a lot of snow-in-summer (Cerastium tomentosum ) though. It makes a very nice accent with the pink dianthus, bronze penstemon, and golden spirea that line the driveway, along with various grasses, and other flowering perennials.