Fling Roundups

Friday, January 21, 2022

Onward With the Madison Fling!

Rosa rugosa 'Jens Munk,' among the many roses that might be blooming
during our visit to Olbrich Botanical Gardens; just one highlight of the Madison Fling.

As we mentioned in our last post, the Madison Fling planning committee is committed to continuing with our event this June. This Fling may be somewhat different than past ones, but we’re ready to take on the challenge. We’ll be outdoors, vaccinated, and together during a safer time of year, so onward!

Registration will open soon!
If you’ve already registered, you’re all set with a discounted price. No need to pay more. For new registrants, as in the past, early preregistration is offered to former/future planners and board members first. And then, as of 2022, registration opens to not only garden bloggers but also Instagrammers, podcasters, and YouTubers.

Watch for a post soon with information on how to register, who qualifies, information on booking hotel rooms, and more.

How will registration work?
When registration opens, we'll post an announcement here on the website and on our Facebook page. We’ll ask you for specific information, and then we’ll share a link to our registration site and how to register. After you complete your registration, you'll be led to the reservation page for our official Fling hotel, where you can reserve a room at the special Fling rate.

What are the dates, and where will it be held?
The 2022 Garden Bloggers Fling will be held in Madison, Wisconsin, on June 23-26, 2022.

How can I learn more about the Madison Fling?
Visit this link, and stay tuned to this website for updates in the coming weeks.

Stay healthy and happy, and watch for more information very soon!